Kapitel 32 - Think about it
Harrys perspektiv.
- Harry? Jag kände en hand på min axel. Jag vände mig och upptäckte att en doktor stod bakom mig.
- Dr.Green. Sophies doctor.
- Harry Styles.
- I want to talk to you and Louis Tomlinson? Is he here?
- Yea, over there. Jag pekade på Louis där han stod och strök Liam över pannan.
- Louis? Han kollade förvånat upp när jag ropade hans namn.
- He wants to talk to us. Jag pekade på doktorn som stod brevid mig. Louis slängde en orolig blick på mig.
- This way. Dr.Green pekade på en dörr lite längre ner i korridoren.
- Is it about Liam? Louis viskade oroligt till mig.
- I guess so. Jag tog försiktigt hans hand.
Rummet dr.Green hade lett oss till var ett litet vitt rum. Det fanns ett litet fönster och några bord och stolar. Jag fick känslan av att vara instängd. Dr.Green satte sig bakom ett bord och pekade att vi skulle sätta oss mittemot honom. Vi satte oss och Louis fingrade nervöst på sin ring han hade på fingret. Jag svalde.
- Is.. Is it about Liam?
Han kollade besvärat på oss.
- Actually no.
Louis kollade chockat på mig och sedan på honom. Hans röst darrade.
- So.. What is it about?
Dr.Green vände sig mot mig.
- Have you thought about the child Harry?
Jag skakade på huvudet.
- Not so much. I.. I didn't even know she was pregnant. She didn't tell me.
- I know. And there's something else i know too. Han log försiktigt.
- What?
- I've understand that you're a couple, right? Han pekade på mig och Louis. Jag såg att Louis rodnande.
- Not official. Yet.. Louis slängde en snabb blick på mig.
- But tell me, what was it between you and Sophie? Han kollade på mig med höjda ögonbryn.
- Umh.. It's kind och a long story. Jag vågade inte möta hans blick.
- Well, i'm not intressted in that. I just want to know, you're a couple right?
- We're not out with it. Louis kollade strängt på doktorn. But we'll be out with it soon, if everything goes as planned.
Han nickade.
- I think i get it. Harry, we're working on a way to get your and Sophies baby out. We're giving it nutrition through Sophie. Her body still works but she's not there. Coma is a mistery, it's hard to understand.
Jag tryckte Louis hand. Bilderna av Louis i sjukhusängen flög förbi i mitt huvud. Jag svalde.
- So.. Do you have an idea or something? About the baby and Sophie?
- There's one way to make the baby survive. We can't tell you yet, it's not sure yet but we're working on it.
- And Sophie?
Han kollade bekymrat på mig.
- I'm really sorry Harry but i don't think she'll make this. She's really bad. Or she'll be, when she wake up. It's like her body is off right now, she can't feel the pain. But if she wakes up, she'll never be able to live a normal life again. If she even wakes up.
Jag skakade på huvudet.
- I don't get it?
- Well, as long as she's in coma, she'll be okey. But if she wakes up, everything will turn diffrent. Her body doesn't work, it's broken. Just like Liams.
- But Liam is awake? Louis kollade frågande på honom.
- Exactly. That makes him so bad. Worse than Sophie. Because he can still feel.
Jag nickade långsamt.
- I think i understand.
- Good. But that wasn't the reason i wanted to talk to you.
Vi kollade chockat på honom.
- What.. What is it then? Louis röst lät ostadig.
- I know it's hard to think about this now, but. Have you ever thought about what's going to happen with the baby? It'll need a family Harry.
- What are you trying to say? jag kollade otåligt på honom. Han suckade.
- I just think it should be a good idea if you takes the baby. Han pekade på mig och Louis.
- What? Louis kollade chockat på honom.
- It's not a big deal. Harry is the father anyway. But you'll need a house to live in and then you'll have to go out with your relationship. I know it's hard to take now, but think about it, okey?
Jag kollade på Louis. Han nickade långsamt.
- We'll think about it.
- Okey. Dr.Green log mot oss.
- I'll take to you another day. Han skakade hand innan han föste oss mot dörren.
När han slog igen dörren bakom oss stirrade vi chockat på varandra.
- What.. What did just happen? Jag kollade chockat på Louis. Han log snett mot.
- I guess i'll be the mum. Jag slog till honom lite lätt på armen.
- It's not funny Louis!
- I'm serious. You know why? Because We'll get rid of Joe soon. Then we can do whatever we want to, right? Maybe it'll be hard but i really think we can make it Harry.
- But Louis, we'll be on tours. We'll be all around the world, haven't you thought about that?
Han tog försiktigt min hand.
- Harry, do you really think we'll still be a band after all this? Without Liam?
- Liam will be fine. Jag hörde själv hur osäker jag lät.
- I'm not sure Harry. But can you even think about us without Liam?
Jag skakade på huvudet.
- But he's still alive, right. He is strong Louis.
Louis nickade försiktigt.
- You don't have to decide now Harry. But at least think about it, okey?
Jag nickade långsamt.
- I'll think about it.
Louis log mot mig.
-Good. Let's go and check on Liam again, okey? Louis tog försiktigt min hand och började gå mot Liams rum.
Zayn och Niall kollade hastigt upp på oss när vi kom in.
- What was it about?
- The baby. We'll talk about it another day.
Liam mumlade någonting bortifrån sängen. Jag gick dit och lutade mig fram för att höra vad han sa.
- You.. You need to get rid of Joe.
- Liam. Don't think about that now, okey.
Jag såg hur han ansträngde sig för att kunna prata högre.
- Please. I.. I just want to see how happy you are without him. Do it for me. It's my last wish.
Jag kollade nervöst på de andra.
- Liam, it's not your last. You'll be able to wish a lot in the future. We don't need to hurry with Joe, okey? The important thing is that you'll be okey.
- I'm not okey. Liam darrade på rösten. I'm broken. I'm dying Harry. Please. Let me hear your plan.
- You're not. Jag kollade bestämt på honom.
-Harry, trust me. I am.
Jag vände mig mot Zayn.
- Zayn tell us.
- We'll need to give Joe a chance first.
Vi kollade chockat på Zayn.
- What?! Jag skakade honom.
- Easy. I just mean that we're going to talk to him, okey? Just scare him a little bit. Like, give him a chance to leave US. Maybe he'll get scared and leave by himself. You know we own him money, but i really think this will work. Otherwise, we dont have another plan anymore.
Zayn kollade sammanbitet på oss.
- what was the other plan? Jag kollade oroligt på honom. Han suckade.
- I don't want to tell you.
- Please Zayn. Liam viskade bortifrån sängen.
- It was a bad idea, okey?
- Tell us now Zayn. Jag kollade honom stint i ögonen.
Han suckade och böjde sig ner mot sin väska. Han plockade upp ett litet föremål som låg väl inlindat i en filt. Vi flämtade till när han öppnade filten.
- I..I don't think we need to use it. We just need to scare him. Remember, you said you wanted to do this. You promised, right?
Jag lutade mig försiktigt fram och tog pistolen ifrån honom.